Over the weekend I got together with some friends. I enjoy meeting this group of friends and always look forward to meeting them because I feel this group is filled with value and meaning. We discuss and debate many topics ranging from personal development, business, the economy or mental health. However what I always find to be meaningful about these discussion is that we all come out with learning new knowledge and skills which in-turn, we have attained personal development. This is something that I always strive to achieve on a daily basis.
We should never be afraid to express our concerns over our mental health and its weakness. This is something that allows us to understand what barriers and obstacles we face in working towards personal development. A couple of years ago, a work colleague of mine was facing some mental health issues and having trouble working on self-development. He was very concerned and shocked at that time. He had trouble understanding instructions, was limited on his knowledge and was not delivering the best quality results. It was not until I spoke to him and introduced him to some remedies that he could go through to cure his problems. Even though it took about two years for him to go through the treatments he underwent a complete overhaul of himself. I was surprised to see the difference, not only he excelled at many things but he started to help his peers with similar problems that he had. His treatment was comprehensive. He attended many personal development workshops , lessons, exercised and worked with many coaches.
There are many reasons why should commit to personal development and attend workshops because of the many benefits such as:
- Expanding our knowledge and information about life
- Learning new skills and strengths
- Become talented
- Provide us with proper and objective feedback about ourselves
- Providing us with new ways of thinking
- Make new friends and connections
- Improve motivation
This is why I enjoy working on personal development because of the many benefits that I can attain. It helps me in many aspects of my life like with work, family and friends. This is something that we should all commit to if we want to achieve happiness.
Checkout iaqob for attending workshops and lessons